Friday, August 24, 2007

wild'n'out with bobby kennedy!

so. my life. doing nothing...but....

i got an internship with the Bernard Telsey Casting Agency!! they're they largest and probably most important agency in the city casting shows like the color puple, the drowsy chaperone, rent, hairspray, legally blonde and more as well as many many films (the upcoming sex and the city) and tv shows. it's full-time, unpaid, and for three months, but it can lead to an employment opportunity afterwards. i'll also be working with the biggest casting directors and directors in the business and they'll get to know me and what a wonderful person i am. i'm very excited to start in two weeks. *happy dance*

today i had my interview and then i went window shopping to kill time/plan outfits for work. it's a very casual office, but i'm sure i'll bring some major style to the office. then i visted dear shauna o'b in the bklyn. we worked on my hairs, explored the internets, and watched bobby. let me tell you....the makeup/costumes were so good. the movie had waaaaaaay too many forced "moments." still, fun was had.

kate is here next week. we plan on seeing shows, drinking, and having all the fun. i'm excited. bachelorette extreme!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Congrats boo! i wore heels and a dress to work on the desk the other night and learned that People Don't Do That.

we'll see how that works out. I wish they'd let me wear jeans instead of this awkward casual/business hybrid.

I say dresses or pajama pants! No in between!